Christ centered life: We have absolute trust and faith in the Word of God, and we are committed to honor Christ by obeying everything that He commands us to do, and living humbly and sacrificially.
Prayer before action: We believe that Christ’s calling for each of us is to be with Him first; that being is more important than doing; and that all our endeavors without faith and prayer will just be an exercise in futility.
Character before ministry and programs: We are committed to develop Christ-like leaders through various innovative programs so that the people will see Christ in our community and fellowship, be attracted to Christ and want to follow him personally.
Unity before Growth: We will continue to work for unity in implementing our programs and strategies in mission. Paul said in Ephesians: "We should preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
People are important: We are committed to build people on the basis of their specific call and gifts in order to develop various ministries to meet the needs of people in the community. We want to build each other up and seek to be an encouragement to our missionary recipients and donors
Integrity before Popularity: We are committed to practice absolute integrity and accountability. We want to be good stewards of the resources that God's giving us through our donors and fundraising programs.